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Chill Bloggity Thing for 10/18/15 and Announcements and Fun!

Today has been a fun day to say the least. I’m pretty excited as first off I’m catching up on my reading backlog bit by bit to hooray and huzzah! I read Veil by Greg Rucka and Toni Fejzula and you know I still dig it as much as I did when I did my review of it when the first issue was released. I never did get to read the rest but I did love how it all turned out. I kind of wish there would have been a sixth issue to flesh things out a little more but overall I’m pretty happy with it. Toni Fejzula is an awesome artist and I really can’t wait to see whatever Fejzula is up to next. Such a great style and amazing colors and Rucka was having fun with making you wonder just who Veil was and what she was about. It’s definitely a series that was shrouded in mystery only when it was revealed, it was at a good point but the revelation made me wish there was that one more issue. That’s why I wanted a little more time with the series to flesh it out but I’m satisfied for the most part and it made for good reading for a Sunday night.

Now as for announcements, I am going to be helping Phoenix a.k.a @Da_Nerdette on her Comics and Coffee feed every Friday. It was cool when she messaged me this morning to ask me about it and I gladly accepted. I’m going to be doing posts on Comic history, trivia, all sort of cool retro stuff on a Friday. It’s going to be fun and it’s going back to what I did at Comics Crux at one point which was a comics history column. Think of this the comics history column on twitter. This should be a lot of fun and I think you all are going to enjoy this a lot. I’m going to enjoy diving back into some comics history again. Considering this collides beautifully into an upcoming project I’m working on this is pretty exciting. I’m happy she’s letting me help her out and this is going to be fun. So every Friday we’ll be having some fun comics history goodness. Even more I’m plotting out a cool thing for Supergirl to get people hyped up for the new series next Monday.

Now as for tonight, I’m going to be watching Once Upon a Time and The Walking Dead. A good TV watching evening to be had and then I might catch Talking Dead and have it on while I’m doing other things. Catch up to you all in a bit, bye for now!